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Time flies

It's been quite some time since I posted here, for a number of reasons. One is that I've changed jobs again (the joys of being an itinerant scientist in today's highly insecure job market), another is that I've been meaning to sort out a new system for the blog so that comments can return, but without the rampant spam.

Anyway. What have I been up to? Well, I've moved back to the UK, published some pretty cool science, played a bunch of gigs on a variety of instruments with several different bands in two countries, indulged my creative side by writing songs and designing tactile astronomy art, had my first op-ed piece published, waited over three weeks for estates to fix a waterfall coming through my office roof (I wish I was joking), written some new talks, appear to have joined the council of the Society for Popular Astronomy, and done heaps of public outreach. Life is far from quiet.

My latest talk, "When Galaxies Collide!", premièred at ArtSpace in May and went down a storm. I also gave the main lecture at an event organised by Macclesfield Astronomical Society for the science programme of Bollington Festival (also part of the new Cheshire science festival), and the whole evening had great reviews from what I hear, including from one of my old primary school teachers! Next up are two appearances at Macclesfield's annual Barnaby Festival: I'll be leading the samba band in the festival parade on Saturday June 21st, and then doing some rocketry games and astronomy demos as part of the Hive of Industry event on Sunday June 22nd. Come find me in the market square - my five-foot rocket and solar system on a string will be hard to miss!

Posted by Megan on Tuesday 17th Jun 2014 (21:29 UTC) | Add a comment | Permalink


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Last updated: Sunday, 22-Jun-2014 23:32:13 BST